
أقام المعرض الدولى السياحى الاسلامى دورته الثانية فى فندق صنواى بالعاصمة الماليزية كوالالمبوربتاريخ 23 اغسطس 2024
فى الفترة من 23 إلى 25 أغسطس و فى إطار السياحة التعليمية فقد تم الاتفاق على تنفيذ برامج ثقافية و تدريبية سياحية من جانب أكاديمية النور الدولية للتدريب و إعداد القادة AIA
و بعض الجهات المتخصصة فى كل من اوزباكستان و تايلاند و إندونيسيا بالإضافة إلى تواجد فروعنا فى مصر و سلطنة عمان و تركيا و ماليزيا.
نسعى دائما للتميز و تقديم الأفضل لعملائنا و طلابنا.
00601133586605 MALAYSIA
00905388776605 TURKEY
0020114155331 EGYPT
0096892416947 Oman
The presence of Dr. Nasreen Suleiman, Businesswomen Forum in Istanbul, represented by NMIU in TÜRKİYE
The presence of Dr. Nesrin Soliman , Businesswomen Forum in Istanbul, represented by NMIU in TÜRKİYE
The presence of Dr. Nasreen Suleiman, Businesswomen Forum in Istanbul, represented by NMIU in TÜRKİYE
The presence of Dr. Nesrin Soliman , Businesswomen Forum in Istanbul, represented by NMIU in TÜRKİYE
The presence of Dr. Nasreen Suleiman, Businesswomen Forum in Istanbul, represented by NMIU in TÜRKİYE
The presence of Dr. Nesrin Soliman , Businesswomen Forum in Istanbul, represented by NMIU in TÜRKİYE
Reception from the Sudanese University in our branch in Istanbul
Reception from the Sudanese University in our branch in Istanbul
Reception from the Sudanese University in our branch in Istanbul
Reception from the Sudanese University in our branch in Istanbul


Meeting with university representatives
Meeting with university representatives
Receiving a delegation from the International Islamic University of Malaysia IIUM at our branch in Istanbul
Receiving a delegation from the International Islamic University of Malaysia IIUM at our branch in Istanbul


Signing a cooperation agreement with the Federation of Trade Unions in the State of Bahrain
Signing a cooperation agreement with the Federation of Trade Unions in the State of Bahrain
Honoring Dr. Nesrin Soliman from IUKL UniversityHonoring Dr. Nesrin Soliman from IUKL University